The destruction of the first Death Star (aka the DS-1) at the Battle of Yavin by the Rebel Alliance in the year 0 BBY was one of the greatest acts of domestic terrorism in galactic history, as well as being at the center of one of the biggest military-industrial government CONSPIRACIES of the modern age, a conspiracy that has been covered up and suppressed both by the Galactic Empire and mainstream news outlets! Contrary to what the MEDIA and the ELITES would have you believe, the destruction of the Death Star was an INSIDE JOB, perpetrated by people at the highest levels of both the Empire and the Rebellion in a conspiracy that goes straight to the top, all the way to Palpatine! The pieces of the puzzle are all there, and I’m going to blow the lid on this coverup, and reveal the TRUTH to the PEOPLE!
Investigative reporting by FREE THINKING journalists, reporting that has been suppressed by media in the pocket of BIG CORPORATIONS, has revealed that the x-wing pilot who destroyed the DS-1 at the Battle of Yavin was none other than Luke Skywalker, aka the SON of Darth Vader, the second-highest ranking figure in the Empire and right-hand man to Emperor Palpatine! And the operation that destroyed the DS-1 was orchestrated and led by Leia Organa, Darth Vader’s DAUGHTER, all three of whom COINCIDENTALLY HAPPENED to escape the battle unscathed, despite MILLIONS of Imperials dying in the explosion, including Grand Moff Tarkin, Darth Vader’s only rival for power in the Empire! If you needed any more convincing, the only reason the proton torpedo fired by Skywalker was able to destroy the Death Star was because of a flaw in the battle station’s main reactor, a flaw DELIBERATELY PLACED there by Imperial scientist Galen Erso, and communicated to the Rebels by his daughter Jyn Erso. The Death Star’s destruction was orchestrated not by the Rebel Alliance, as big media outlets have lied to you, but by the ELITE INSIDER FAMILIES of the Empire!
The motive for destroying the Death Star and killing millions of INNOCENT PATRIOTS is equally disgusting. We know that construction on the DS-1 was well underway by the time of Order 66 in 19 BBY, but the DS-1’s first deployment wasn’t until the destruction of Jedha City in 1 BBY, meaning the DS-1 took TWENTY YEARS to complete. By contrast the second Death Star, DS-2, began construction after the Battle of Yavin and was near completion by the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, having taken a FRACTION OF THE TIME to build. This is because of the learning curve that typically follows large construction projects, as the builders learned their lessons and made their mistakes on the DS-1, allowing them to build the DS-2 nearly FIVE TIMES as efficiently! What does this tell us? That the DS-1 was OVER SCHEDULE and OVER BUDGET, and by the time it was completed it was a MONEY PIT costing the Empire trillions of credits! Thus the Skywalkers and Ersos decided to scrap the project and go back to square one, orchestrating a false flag attack by the Rebel Alliance so they could collect the INSURANCE WINDFALL and recoup all their losses, as if the DS-1 had never happened! Then they used that money that build the DS-2 for a FRACTION OF THE COST, netting them a superweapon and trillions of credits saved in the process, and it only cost them the lives of millions of innocent Imperial servicemen who were MANIPULATED LIKE PAWNS by the elites! They then used the attack to justify a brutal war of oppression against the Rebels, resulting in tragedies such as the MASSACRE on Hoth and the ILLEGAL OCCUPATION of Cloud City, both of which have been suppressed by the traditional media!
You think the galaxy is safe. You think you live in a world of order. You’ve been LIED TO by CORRUPT POLITICIANS and their MEDIA PUPPETS! This is just one example of the rampant lies and conspiracies peddled to you by the Empire! Qui Gon Jinn was assassinated by the Jedi Council! There was a second lightsaber-man in the Jedi Temple during Order 66! Count Dooku is still alive and in hiding! Han Solo died years ago and was replaced by the Rebellion with a body double! Lando Calrisian is a lizard person! OPEN YOUR EYES!