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Binghamton Baseball Complex Now $61.4M in Budget, Receiving Extra $1.4M From BU Libraries

Tristan Awayan

Baseball fans, rejoice!

The BU Libraries continue to follow a grim path of defunding, losing out on $450,000 in 2018, and facing a cut upwards of $1,400,000 for this year. Initial reports and criteria for these cuts claim that certain database resources were already available through alternate methods, or were simply not being used enough relative to its cost to the University.

Luckily enough, the University Board of Finance found a new home for these funds, now that BU Libraries no longer needed them. What better way to spend $1,400,000 dollars than to build even better facilities for a collegiate sports complex during a pandemic! Contactors have already started plans for adding extra overpriced hot dog stands along the aisles, justifying it as a “socially distanced snacking measure” and not just a way to generate more revenue. Overall, it seems that the board believes that this field, stadium, and indoor training facility will see more use than the “resources” and “knowledge” that BU Libraries provide.

While some appreciate the transparency of this budget decision, others question the practicality of spending money on in-person facilities during a potential rebound of the virus. However, I, like most others, am just excited to see a fresh new field to watch high-quality plays from our star baseball team that I just found out existed.

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