I’ve posed the question to students on campus “Hey, what pisses you off?”and have compiled a checklist of wretched things people have witnessed and continue to do. Have you ever encountered a horrible person? Just plain evil? Find out if YOU have ever been that awful person on campus who everyone despises by taking this quiz.
Check off the following if you…
□ Skipped the line at NOWL
□ Walked at a slow pace anywhere
□ Had your headphones in at Einsteins' so they had to call your order 7 times
□ Been mean to any of the dining hall staff
□ Being shirtless when playing any sport on the Dickinson Quad
□ Talk on the phone in the library
□ Cut in line to get on shuttle then not scanning your ID
□ When fellow bus goers refuse to move down to make room on a crowded bus
□ Acts differently around a group of people to elicit a certain response
□ Laughs when someone drops their food in the dining hall
□ Walk on the left side of the sidewalk but having to curve around the person
because neither of you knowing which direction to go
□ Not set a timer when doing laundry
□ Took someone’s wet clothes out of the washer as soon as the time hits zero
□ Joined a frat
□ Identify as a man and wear flip flops to class
□ Had stubble? Just grow a beard.
□ Left trash behind on dining hall table
□ Dyed your hair in communal shower
□ Students who only have class on Tuesday/Thursdays
□ Students who have no class on Friday
□ Own an electric scooter and don't know how to use it
□ Talk loudly in class when its quiet
□ Sat in the seat someone has sat in for the whole semester
□ Ask redundant questions during lecture
□ Didn't smile back at someone you had class with
□ When there's a line at the register at any dining hall and people don't split off into
two separate lines on either side of the register
□ Refused to hold the door for someone behind you
□ Took the elevator one flight up
□ Said you, “hate freshmen” as a sophomore
□ Stopped talking to your class friend for no reason
□ Consistently going to Appalachian dining hall when you do not live in
□ Stood in line for the London Broil
□ Randomly spit while walking
□ Complaining about dining hall food in front of workers (they can hear you)
□ Work at the gym (all you do is sit there and get paid?!)
□ Are in a relationship
□ Are in a relationship and take classes with your significant other
□ Type loudly
- If you scored anywhere between 0-8…
I trust your intentions for the most part. We are all human and bound to make mistakes!
- If you scored anywhere between 8-16…
You kinda suck. I wouldn't go out of my way to talk to you. Ignorance is bliss.
- If you scored anywhere between 16-24…
I have definitely complained about your existence to others. Do better.
- If you scored anywhere between 24-32
I don't trust you. At all. GET AWAY FROM ME.
- If you scored anywhere between 32-40…
YOU ARE HORRIBLE. Down right evil. How do you have any friends? Are they blind? Do you even go here? If you do, you should probably transfer…for the greater good.