Amidst fears that AI could be misused for nefarious political purposes, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tweeted out to her supporters this week that new AI voice technology could frame her for saying something tolerant.
The representative first joined the Republican Party to spread conservative ideology and erase the concept of sex from the American consciousness so that no one would make fun of her for being born in Cumming, Georgia (For more information, look up Marjorie Taylor Greene Cumming). As of late, she has expressed major concerns that AI could be a tool to spread liberal talking points: “The democrats always say, ‘Don’t eat the cotton candy in the walls, Marjorie,’ but this is America, where we won’t let your fascist ideas slide."
True to her fears, an AI account impersonating Greene that went by the handle “@realmtg” recently began growing in followers after making the following statements:
“Liberal bad.”
“We need a national divorce between the red and blue states, so that all Americans can get twice the presents on Christmas.”
“So-called ‘drag queens’ are destroying our children’s minds, trying to make them think that those shoes really match that dress. Red was so last season, but Stephanie Clarkson is too broke to afford anything but those raggedy shoes and she’s too much of a whore to get a proper boyfriend to buy her new ones.”
These tweets have been met with universal praise from Greene’s supporters. Many have been convinced that “@realmtg” is the actual Greene, and the actual Greene account, “@RepMTG” is fake. When the AI surpassed her in twitter followers, Greene urged her supporters to exercise media literacy and critical thinking skills. However, this only exacerbated the situation for Greene, as many of her backers were adamant she would never say such a thing. “If we knew how to do that, we wouldn’t be following MTG.” said one Twitter user.
It became clear that the AI-run twitter account could not keep up with the level of intolerance that the real representative could achieve after it tweeted “Rep. Matt Gaetz and so many others in the Republican party have been abusing minors for YEARS!” Followers condemned the content of the post, as they felt it portrayed pedophilia in a subtly negative tone. As a response to the criticism, the AI released a follow-up tweet “*Spelling error, I meant minorities.” to clarify the original. Following the clarification, a large portion of Greene’s voter base forgave the AI for its mistakes, as they would always approve of abusing minorities. Furthermore, most Republicans could relate to not being able to spell.
However, despite its impressive recovery, the AI account was again embroiled in a massive controversy shortly thereafter when the AI stated that “Women should be able to be politicians.” This radically progressive comment has led many to speculate that the account is NOT the real Marjorie Taylor Greene. Some conspiracy theorists have even postulated that Marjorie Taylor Greene never really existed, and the real Marjorie Taylor Greene was the friends we made along the way. Greene responded by calling such theories “absurd” and lamented about why none of her voters could exercise logical thought.
“I’m so disappointed in her. I trusted her to lead us, but she’s gone too woke.” One disillusioned Greene advocate stated. “The only position of power where women belong is sat on top of me, clad in full leather and calling me a good piggy.”
After the AI destroyed her reputation on the Twitter platform by being excessively tolerant, Rep. Greene has announced that she will not be running for another term. When asked about her future plans, she stated that she would be moving onto a position that would make the full use of her bigotry. According to BUTT-affiliated political insiders, Greene has since been spotted working as a social media manager for the burgeoning account.